Lesson plan for American Literature and Composition class

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Time flies....again

Time flies, they say.

I think that is true only in certain situations.

For example, when I am sitting in a boring lecture learning nothing new, time doesn't fly. Or when I am awaiting news about important events...say, like college notification of acceptances or scholarships. Then time definitely doesn't fly; it crashes and dies a slow, torturous death as I helplesslywatch.

It is really only in two circumstances for me that time flies; And I am in them both right now.

Time always flies when I have a deadline.

I am under a deadline for my professional development to be submitted to the organization that sponsors the TEA program. The final electronic draft is due on Friday. Having received my itinerary last week, I know now what I am expected to present beginning April 7 in India. And I have been letting my ideas percolate, which is always my first, most time-consuming, and most important step in preparing anything. But time is evaporating while my custom brew percolates.

It's not that I find so many other things to pull me away from the task at hand.

Well.... maybe it is. I do have several other projects going right now. The thought of spending the summer biking and reading by the pool has bewitched me more than once in the past two weeks, as I dream of having absolutely nothing to do for a couple of months. And here I sit blogging instead of transferring all those great professional development notes I generated last night at dinner from the paper placemat onto Word documents.

But mostly, it's because I find too many projects that compel me, that sweep me into their clutches like that great roc that snatches the sailors in The Arabian Nights and carries them off to their doom.

That's my other circumstance where time flies, like the roc- when I am over extended with projects. And I am... way over extended...now.

No need to list all the projects pressing upon me- besides they are all of my own doing, so listing them would only reinforce my own foolishness for having taken them on to begin with. But making a list is how I manage. So at least I should make a list of the pressing tasks as they relate to India.

Last doctor visit schedules - one more shot for Hepatitis (Is it A or C?) and Rx for malaria pills; also a list of all the
medications and over-the-counter supplements I take, so I won't be sent home upon arrival.

Professional development outlines made -PRIORITY!

PPT pictures of Indiana sites and school activities, people, places to share with Indian students.

Workouts every day, so I will feel good about trying on the saris.

Read, read, read about India. I cannot go with so little background knowledge. I want to know more, so I can
appreciate the history and culture I see.

Some plan made for Asian Fair which will happen upon my return.

Lesson plans for when I am gone.


Clothing to take.

So, there. I think I feel better. Lists have that power over me.

I haven't made time stop, but at least while time flies, I can be riding on its wing, my lengthy list fluttering from my hand behind me, a book about India in the other.

In four weeks, I will be in Kerala!