Lesson plan for American Literature and Composition class

Friday, November 27, 2009

Another Thanksgiving has passed.

I've baked and cooked and cleaned, gone to Grandma's for dinner, visited with the relatives, eaten too much pie, played and watched a few games, been grateful for family, friends, and good health, and come home exhausted...as usual.

In one way, though, this year's observance is a little different from years past.

This Thanksgiving, I am reminded of new blessings: having a classroom equipped with textbooks and with about 18 kids per class; being able to bring together students from across the world using high speed technology; living with a supportive husband and kids who support passions that keep me away from home; learning about and from international teachers.

But the biggest blessing of all is living in a country where my government considers $40 a reasonable per diem for eating dinner out in West Lafayette, Indiana.

Isn't it?

So, now that I am thankful, what will I do with those blessings?

1 comment:

  1. I think you will do amazing things with these blessings! You and your much-needed work are proof that individual people with big ideas can change the world.
